Fire Marshal and Fire Safety training

Essential fire training for your business in-house or online.

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Courses from £41/person

Accredited training provider

Courses valid for 3 years

Courses updated to include the latest HSE requirements

Our standard Fire Marshalling course also includes fire extinguisher practical elements!

Did you know?

80% of businesses in Britain never fully recover from a fire.

Don't worry, we bring the fire marshal training to you!

The easiest and least disruptive method of training is on‑site. This is why we specialise in offering courses at your premises, alternatively, you can choose to attend scheduled training.

  • Chose either an in-house or scheduled course
  • Easy for employees and employers when in-house
  • Training dates and times to suit you
  • On-site is often cheaper per head and more convenient for you
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Recommended for all workplaces

Remain compliant with the Regulatory Reform (Fire Safety) Order 2005 and ensure that delegates are fully qualified to become designated fire marshals in their workplace.

We recommend that you have at least 1 qualified fire marshal in your workplace at all times.

Numbers can vary for larger premises.


For up to 50 employees we recommend hosting 1 annual Fire Marshalling course for up to 12 members of staff.


For 50-100 employees, you should consider booking onto 2 annual Fire Marshal courses for up to 24 staff members.

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For every additional 100 employees, we suggest running an extra course each year.

The ideal fire marshal training or retraining course for businesses

Provide you with the skills, knowledge and confidence in small or low-risk working environments and offices.

Don’t forget, retraining your first-aiders is just as important after 3 years to remain valid. Many do not keep up to date.

Did you know?

In 2015/2016 there were around 30,000 fires recorded in buildings that were not dwellings.

Official Training Partners:

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Speak to one of our helpful advisors today.

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